Today, we’re going to delve into the sales tab in CRM AI. Within the sales tab, there are several submenus, including invoices, payments, create note, and expenses. Let’s start with the invoices. When creating a new invoice, you can input details such as the issue date, due date, invoice type, client information, and description, then click “create.” This will generate the invoice with details such as issue date, due date, total, due amount, status, and available actions. You can also filter invoices based on status, start date, and due date, and export them.

Moving on to payments, you can specify the payment type, client, reference, description, date, amount, payment method, and related project. Once created, the payment details will be added to the system. Next, in the create note section, you can input details such as invoice, client, date, amount, and description to create a note. This feature allows for the creation of credit notes based on invoices.

Finally, in the expenses tab, you can record expenses by specifying the date, amount, user, related project, and description. Additionally, you can attach files related to the expenses. After inputting all the necessary details, you can create the expense entry. This comprehensive overview provides insight into the functionalities of the sales tab in CRM AI.

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